
“CLAY’s dedicated time and immense space to make my work happen flourished my creative process. I also received emotional support and the technical aspects of the production were very well facilitated with beautiful lighting and sound.” - Freddie Hayes

Are you an artist working between contemporary live artworks and experiences? Are you looking to develop your skill set, create new performances and kick-start that exciting project with a research and development grant? Join our rolling residency programme now and receive bespoke support to elevate your practice.

What we offer

  • In-kind support (equivalent of up to £3000 of match funding for applications)

  • A versatile working space

  • Flexible access (early until late)

  • 1-2-1 CLAY knowledge and expertise mentoring sessions

  • Bespoke artist and project support tailored to your needs

  • A developing relationship with CLAY and the Yorkshire arts ecology

  • A ticketed presentation*

Our ask to you

  • A residency cost of £500 per week to paid to CLAY

  • Share your documentation with us

  • Use CLAY logos and assets to credit the organisation

  • Provide an artist profile and testimonial for our website

  • Complete a residency feedback questionnaire

Things to consider

  • Public-facing sharing/test outputs are to be negotiated against the programme calendar

  • Access to technical support will be chargeable (to be considered as part of funding applications)

  • How and if you would like to access arts organisations, artists, collectives and/or audiences from the region

  • What broader expertise would you like to access, if any? We can help find this support.

  • We reserve the right to cancel the residency anytime 3 months before the booking at no cost to the Artist or CLAY.

  • The fee for the residency is to cover our running costs. We are a charity and don’t receive any regular funding.

Interested? We’d love to hear from you! To apply, complete the application form below.

Residency Alumni