Alicia Radage

Alicia Radage Radage works with sculpture, performance, video, text and sound. Their research looks at the intersection between Neurodiverse experience and Animist practice. Looking to ways of communicating and being outside of neurotypical, late capitalism, Radage is drawn to an Animist way of processing the world around them, detecting and deciphering the life forces of the more than human. Their practice is activated through intuiting forms of interspecies communication.

With CLAY, Radage developed a solo work through the lens of Womxnhood and Neurodivergence (ND). The practice of Therapeutic Shamanism (TS) explored and nuanced their experience as a Neurodivergent subject. The relationship between TS and ND was explored in connection to their potential for creativity and communication in a Neurotypical world. Shamanism is a practice, not a belief, and exists through the understanding that everything is alive and that we can communicate with all aspects of the Universe. This works in tandem with Neurodiversity as a civil rights issue that maintains that there is an issue with how the free market capitalist Neurotypical world is structured and run as opposed to there being a problem with how Neurodivergent people function. The network for Neurodiverse Womxn artists, initiated by Radage, provided a supportive, creative network, stimuli, and techniques for making and developing ND aesthetics.


Freddie Hayes