Code of Conduct

We ask all artists, staff and audiences to read and respect our code of conduct at all times.  

If any artists, staff, or audiences feel unwelcome or attacked according to any of the guidelines below, we reserve the right to ask anyone to respectfully leave our venue. 

Inclusive Spaces 

  • Everyone is welcome in our space. The only thing we do not tolerate is intolerance of any kind. Listening is key. If you are challenged, address your own behaviour before defending it.

No Touching

  • Unless you are specifically invited to, please do not invade other people’s personal space. 

Feel at Home

  • We want you to make yourself comfortable and feel relaxed in our spaces, however, we ask that you respect our spaces and everything within them as if they are your own. We are a working arts space and have people working here daily, please treat the space with respect. 

  • Do not interfere with the artists and performers at work unless invited to.


  • Please ask individuals for their pronouns. Respect the answer you are given.


  • Unless somebody consents with ‘yes’, the answer is NO. Sometimes, an answer may change, but you should not assume; keep checking in, but do not harass or pressure anybody.

Gender Neutral Toilets

  • Our toilets are gender-neutral. Respect one another in this space. Leave toilet spaces clean and tidy. 

Have Respect

  • Be considerate of others and have an awareness that someone might need some help or support.

  • Respect each individual at our events. 

Have a Good Time

  • Enjoy yourself, keep safe and feel at ease. 

* Our Code of Conduct was inspired by Marlborough Productions. They are amazing. 

You can download the Guide Sheet to our Code of conduct here.

Our Policies

The ethos and values we hold at CLAY are integral to the organisation, and it's of utmost importance to us that we deliver and promote work in line with these values. We ensure that our policies are available to view, as we wish to showcase our process transparently and share our values with our community and audiences. We believe everyone should have access to this information; if you have any access requests regarding the way this information is presented or are after any additional information, please get in touch with